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Location Labs


Gamma’s location labs is the research and consulting unit within Gamma with a remit to explore and advance location intelligence methodologies and data using the best available technology. Leveraging Gamma’s extensive spatial databanks and broad spatial modelling experience, the Lab team of data scientists, and GIS engineers partner with other research bodies to explore and push the boundaries in the application of Location Intelligence (LI). We apply a multitude of spatial modelling techniques combining the best of AI, Machine Learning and traditional statistical models to advance LI for our products and services. Through a firm commitment to R&D through the Labs, we hope to ensure that we remain an innovative thought leader in the spatial sciences for many years to come.

We have provided consulting services and carried out research, and developed custom LI solutions in many areas but here are a few of our recent favourites;

Building Energy Performance Rating​

In partnership with Energy Efficiency modellers BERWOW, Gamma has developed a new approach to retrofit measure assessment, financial benefit and carbon impact calculation based on a five-year research project completed in 2018. The resulting BERWOW tool is set to revolutionise deep retrofit assessment and marketing to homeowners and contribute significantly in the fight to tackle climate change.

Spatial Retail Models​

Gamma’s team have developed leading-edge algorithms and spatial models for the retail sector. Leveraging gravity modelling techniques and other spatial approaches coupled with AI and machine learning, where appropriate, we have developed novel approaches to spatially measuring brand strength, convenience and other retail KPIs. This research continues and results are available through our Storecast™ platform.

Store Network Optimisation for a DIY/Builders Provider​

Using a novel Spatial AI approach, our team identified several growth and right-sizing scenarios for the chain and calculated marginal gains from each decision. This allowed our client to identify the optional strategy for network optimisation including growth and divestment whilst minimising cannibalisation across the group assets.

Spatial Risk Models for the Island of Ireland​

The Location Labs team have been researching and developing spatial risk models at a very granular level across the Island of Ireland to the past five years, to create innovative and powerful environmental risk models for our clients, particularly in the insurance sector. Current models include subsidence, road accident risk, household burglary and sea level rise impact from climate change.

Custom LI Solutions for Telecom

Gamma’s team have worked with the world’s leading telcos for over twenty years. We have developed customer service cloud solutions to ensure that network issues reported by customers are recorded and checked against known site issues. We have supported network roll-out, improved efficiency and ensured the success of many telcos through innovative software and services.

Custom Distribution Systems

The Location Labs team have build hosted systems for both very large and small distributors using location intelligence, address matching technology and routing algorithms. Our solutions provide custom routing creation, distance calculation and address finding all customised to fit into your business processes. Unique dashboard design with maps, graphs and alerts helps achieve internal efficiencies.


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