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Identify Location Risk In Seconds


PerilfinderTM is a complete underwriter’s address-level risk assessment and reporting solution. Incorporating AutoaddressTM premium roof top level geocoding, superb map visualisation, intuitive risk and accumulation scoring and powerful spatial catastrophe models, PerilfinderTM really delivers. It also offers associated web services for form prefill and rebuild calculation. All in the cloud. All in sub-second time.


Perilfinder™ supports decisions at the point of sale by presenting a simple RAG (Red, Amber, Green) flag for the address, based on the underlying risk data and defined business rules. This allows for quick decisions based on your internal experience and existing exposure and on external catastrophe data.


Perilfinder™ Map Views allows the user to quickly and easily visualise search results. Using the right map at the right time speeds up the decision making process saving time and providing consistent results.


Perilfinder™ provides off-the-shelf accumulation mapping capability, providing identification of risk concentration. Using the accumulation reporting tool, you can identify the exposure of an insurance book. This report shows policy information with the accumulated sum insured within a given radius for each policy.


Solve the problem of underinsuring/ overinsuring of residential properties using Gamma's rebuild cost calculator. Using building attributes from property outlines, and taking the property type, number of floors, number of bedrooms and property location into account, Gamma's Rebuild Cost Calculator returns the rebuild cost for a property.


Perilfinder™’s Prefill Web Service offers a faster way for your customers to provide details online to your property questions. Based on actual and modelled data for millions of addresses in the UK and Ireland, Prefill will reduce your cart abandonment and make quotation process as trouble-free and intelligent as it can be.


Powering Perilfinder™ is Gamma’s extensive proprietary property database, Addresslink™ that combines AI modelling, and extensive property level georeferenced data to profile over 35 million residential and commercial addresses in the UK and Ireland.






Other Perils



With a tried and trusted pedigree in the insurance market and a skilled staff of developers, modellers and technicians, Perilfinder™  is a world-class, no-fuss intuitive and feature-rich location intelligence system.

Gamma Perilfinder Underwriting-2-Product

Underwriting Decision Support

Gain instant access to geographic risk data from any address entered. View real-time rating and pricing to make informed decisions at point of sale.

Exposure Management

Monitor risk accumulations. Assess accumulation geographically in real time to optimise portfolio risk.

Custom Reporting & Analytics

Use flexible templates with multiple customisation options for analytics to report on risk exposure and answer any regulatory or ad-hoc queries.

Claims Management

Understand the likelihood of damage before and immediately after an event. Accelerate the decision-making process and detect fraudulent claims.

Event Scenario Analysis

Evaluate outcomes of a potential catastrophe in real time. Understand loss potential in a certain area to assess the impact to your bottom line.​

Perilfinder Web Service

Use our web services, which allows for integration with real-time rating systems, quotations systems, in-house GIS, reporting systems and data warehouses.​

Request to see a personalised demo today!

Our team will contact you to schedule a 30-minute personalised demonstration and show you all Perilfinder functionalities.



Tracking climate risk – slow, slow then fast

InsTech’s Matthew Grant was joined by Gamma Location Intelligence’s Chief Commercial Officer, Richard Garry and CEO, Feargal O’Neill. The discussion includes the challenges of local address data in Ireland and the UK, measuring carbon emissions, creating complete crime data analytics from different sources and how they’re working with partners.

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Sustainable Insurance Summit 2023 – Key Takeaways

The 2023 Sustainable Insurance Summit emphasised pragmatic sustainability action, focusing on long-term vision and forward-thinking. Transitioning from an annual renewal loop to a future-looking approach is challenging but essential. Despite the data-centric struggles, starting somewhere is crucial, keeping in line with upcoming regulatory compliance and nurturing growth. This blog delves into these insights from the Summit.

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