One Click Reno

Driving deep building renovation through automated, large-scale and customised Building Renovation Passports

Gamma Labs’s commitment towards greener initiatives is reaffirmed as it joins One Click Reno alongside 12 other partners from 5 different countries with one shared vision: to accelerate building renovations. One Click Reno is a project co-funded by the European Union under the LIFE programme.

Ireland - "The Front Runner" Pilot

As Ireland attempts to meet its carbon emission targets, the retrofitting of the domestic property stock is a key part in the strategy. Through supporting and incentivising retrofit measures such as insulation, triple glazing, smart controls and heat pumps, households can become hugely more energy efficient and reduce their energy bills and climate change impact. Showing the appropriate retrofit costs and benefits for their specific home, can and does encourage homeowners to make the investment.

Retrofit Calculator Tool in Ireland, the UK & Europe

Gamma Labs as partner of One Click Reno EU LIFE Programme

In partnership with BERWOW, we have created Ireland’s first retrofit energy efficiency calculator. BERWOW shows Irish homeowners how to reduce energy usage and costs through retrofitting. These efforts will also contribute to Ireland′s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, in line with European targets, and help the global fight to combat climate change.

The resulting BERWOW tool is set to revolutionise deep retrofit assessment and marketing to homeowners and contribute significantly in the fight to tackle climate change through deep retrofit education.

Gamma Labs, the developer of the OCR front-runner web tool, co-leads the implementation of technical activities (WP2 – WP3) in the pilot market in Ireland. It is also major contributor to WP4 in the ICT development of the One Click RENO BRP module and integration with Irish web tool, leading the definition of Functional requirements and use cases.

The Project - One Click Reno

The construction sector, responsible for over a third of the EU’s energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, plays a pivotal role in achieving the EU’s 2050 climate neutrality goal. The upcoming revision of the Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) is part of a comprehensive package aiming to address this, but despite broad consensus on the importance of building renovations, the current rate stands at 0.2%.

OneClickRENO seeks to accelerate building renovations in the EU, contributing to a zero-emission building stock. Utilizing Building Renovation Passports (BRPs), it aims to make the benefits of comprehensive renovations tangible, providing a phased roadmap for specific buildings to facilitate cost-effective and well-planned interventions for property owners and investors.

OneClickRENO will provide different stakeholders in the renovation value chain with automatically generated and customizable BRPs as an effective and essential tool to drive deep renovation in the EU. This will be provided:

– By means of a GIS (Geographic Information System) based web environment.

– By enabling different existing EPC/ energy calculators/ energy renovation design tools access to the BRPs generation according to a building location and a user profile.

Homeowners will be provided with automated, relatable and easy to understand BRPs through simple (one-click) web tools. Its’ coverage and reliability is based on the official schemas, data sources and user contributed data, from which the theoretical renovation itineraries are offered. The ones selected by users will help, in time, policy makers design and follow-up policies; and energy renovation professionals in charge of EPBD application, who will receive an already compliant BRP to adapt it and assure that fulfills building and/or user potential specificities, delivering to their customers a real renovation plan through the same web tool.

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