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Uncovering Spatial and Demographic Insights into Adults Living with Parents

Data and Insights on Adults Living with their parents

In this article, we bring together numerous pieces of spatial and demographic data to build up a full picture of the areas in Ireland where many adults aged 18 and above are living with their parents. Explore different charts which compare adults who reside with their parents on a number of features: age, group, gender and economic activity.

Mapping Ireland’s Population Dynamics: County by County Insights

Delve into our analysis of the 2022 census data, revealing Ireland’s shifting demographics. From urban growth trends to age variations and living arrangements, this report captures the heartbeat of the nation’s population landscape. Dive in to understand Ireland, county by county.

Gamma maps out Census data to show property patterns across Ireland

The 2022 Census data has revealed notable shifts in Ireland’s property landscape. With 37% of homes now owned outright, an increase of 7.1% in private home ownership, and the dwindling prevalence of bedsits, the property market is mirroring the effects of a maturing population and increasing household numbers, thereby signifying a subtle yet impactful change in property preferences across the country.

Mapping the Work-from-Home Spenders

How has Covid-19 redistributed demand in Ireland? Where is COVID-19 having the greatest impact on daytime demand for goods and services in Ireland? Where has the loss of daytime workers and students had the greatest impact on local business? Gamma Location Intelligence has used its data banks to analyse the patterns emerging in this area and released research on the findings.

Growth and Decline of the Irish Population between Census 2011 & Census 2016

Last week, following the publication of Census 2016 Small Area Population Statistics, we have released a map of Ireland’s 2016 population as a line chart. We added some history to last week’s population map, by comparing the figures from Census 2011 with the figures from Census 2016. We used colour to highlight changes of more than 100 people or more than 5% of the 2011 population.

Ireland in Detail – Census 2016

The detailed Census 2016 Small Area Population Statistics are out today. We are digging through the data now, and in the next few days, we will begin updating our models and analytics engines with this new data. We will also be pointing out some of the more interesting, useful and surprising results from this data release in the upcoming days.

Census 2016 – What we’re looking forward to – SAPS edition

A year after it was conducted, publication of the 2016 Census is underway, with Part 1 of the summary results published in April, and Part 2 released today. The full publication schedule can be seen on the CSO website. At Gamma, we make extensive use of Census data. It is a key dataset for our Storecast™ systems, we rely on it for Location Profiling and is used daily by our consultants.