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WEBINAR: GeoInsurance Ireland 2022

Wednesday, 30 November @ 3:00 p.m. GMT

GeoInsurance Ireland


Gamma Location Intelligence, the leading provider of underwriter address-level risk assessment and reporting solutions, is delighted to host GeoInsurance Webinar Series 2022.

The second webinar in the series is focused on Ireland and takes place on Wednesday, November 30, at 3:00 p.m. During the session, speakers will address the New Risks and Measures for Property in a Changing Climate.

Alongside Gamma’s Charlotte Cuffe and Feargal O’Neill will be Gopal Erinjippurath, a representative from Sust Global, an expert in the use of AI and remote sensing to model risks such as floods and wildfires.

Our knowledge of climate change is evolving all the time.

And along the way it is bringing new requirements for property-level data and models to enable insurers of all sizes to better assess changing peril risks and climate impacts. So, what can insurers do in Ireland to address this challenge?

As an update on similar topics that we have addressed in our GeoInsurance webinar series in previous years, we will look at a number of aspects that are challenging the market in the near, medium and long-term.

Covering off the near-term, Charlotte Cuffe, Lead Consultant at Gamma, will provide details on how we are enabling insurers to tackle underinsurance and also the impact of climate risk at property-level. Charlotte will also explore the challenges the market faces today and how Gamma’s API-driven data solution, AddressLink, can help bridge the knowledge gap.

Taking a view of the medium-term, Gopal Erinjippurath, CTO and Head of Product at Sust Global, will provide an overview of the approach they take using AI and remote sensing to model wildfire risk around the world.

Finally, Feargal O’Neill, CEO at Gamma, will focus on how insurance and asset owners can address the long-term impact of climate change. The drive in 2023 – and beyond – from regulatory reporting will become more pronounced – Gamma can potentially assist, of which Feargal will divulge more details during the session.

We believe the session will be informative, educational and thought-provoking.

So please join us.

Climate change is a problem that is happening now. We are all part of the solution.

You can use the below link to find out more about the series of webinars that start on 29 November 2022.

@ 2022 by Jason Day

About Gamma Location Intelligence

Gamma Location Intelligence is a cloud hosted spatial solutions provider that integrates software, data and services to help our clients reduce risk through location intelligence. Established in Dublin, Ireland in 1993, and with offices in Manchester, UK and Bilbao, Spain, the company has expanded to become a global provider of innovative, cloud-hosted location intelligence solutions. Gamma Location Intelligence’s Perilfinder™ risk mapping platform provides property underwriters with access to trusted property-level risk data easily, quickly and accurately. 

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